10 Deadliest Poisons

10 deadliest poisons. This list contains ten of the most lethal poisons and substances in the world | planet earth known to humanity. Do you know more deadly toxins that will kill people?

10. Cyanide - Cyanide is a rare but potentially deadly poison
9. Anthrax
8. Sarin (Nerve Gas) - Sarin gas is one of the most dangerous and toxic chemicals known.
7. Amatoxin
6. Strychnine - Strychnine poisoning can be fatal to humans and other animals.
5. Mercury - Mercury is the most poisonous, non-radioactive, naturally occurring substance on our planet.
4. Tetrodotoxin - An extremely potent poison.
3. Ricin - Ricin is a highly toxic, naturally occurring lectin produced in the seeds of the castor oil plant, Ricinus communis.
2. VX - VX is an extremely toxic substance that has no known uses except in chemical warfare as a nerve agent.
1. Botulinumtoxin - Botulinum toxin is among the most deadly naturally occuring Neurotoxins.

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